Monday, 1 April 2019


I wasn't going to join in with NaPoWriMo but the prompt for day 1 was a little too tempting. If you're playing along too, have fun!

My instructions:

To Make a Quilt

Cut smaller
And smaller still,
Remnants of past lives.
Damp shorts covered in sand,
Swirling party dress, sparkling in the light,
That crazy shirt you wore the night we met;
Snippets of memories
You can hold in your hand for a moment
Or more.

Stitch them together with the thread of life,
Join seconds to minutes and hours to make a day,
Use a quarter inch seam,
Press to the dark side
So it doesn't spoil the light.

Arrange your days
In a vibrant pattern
To create the larger blocks of months and years.
No waste.
No scrap too small.

Now that piecing is complete it's time to baste, quilt and bind.
Wrap yourself in your creation.
Make it beautiful.

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