Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Day 2

So what do you do when a prompt doesn't spark any feeling of creativity?

For me this is what day 2 feels like.

Yes, the prompts are optional. Yes, I could write something else instead. I'm not going to though. I'm going to take that Day 2 prompt and make myself write something.

Personally, participating in NaPoWriMo is less about the poetry produced than it is about putting pen to paper on a daily basis. It really helps to accept that everything is a very rough first draft, and to know that it doesn't have to be 1,666 words a day to keep on schedule.

"But shouldn't this be fun?" I hear you ask. Of course it should, but for me (and, I suspect, for many of us) there is another purpose: that of creating some kind of writerly discipline. Writing every day sometimes feels like the impossible dream when life is so full of, well, life.  Writing when it feels hard is just not an option on a time limit, but that is precisely what needs to change.

So, you want something ending in a question?


Type tiptoes hesitantly across the page
Then scurries backwards to the start line.


Blink Blank


I can wait all day
The watching cursor insists.




Words spew onto the screen
Only to be deleted
Moments later.

More unwriting than writing done.

Will an idea ever come?

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